Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In a land far far away, where there is no such thing as video games

Place them all face down.

Flick them with your fingernail. If they flip all the way over, you keep and keep on going. If they stop on their edge, you lose your turn.

ps: As you might predict, I object to A's characterisation below. I mean really. It' not TV if you're watching it on YouTube, right?

pps: A eats garlic almost every day, and sometimes doesn't even notice it.


Hildie said...

Now if only we could figure out where to buy bottle caps in the States.

Anna said...

that looks like fun. chris and i used play games like that with marbles in the soo...

p.s. bottle caps may be bought at you local grocery store attached to yummy bottles of ginger ale and cream soda.

p.p.s. the garlic comment makes me laugh. i eat raw garlic sometimes to prevent colds.

Geo said...

Garlic Man!

Geo said...

YouTube ≠ TV

TV doesn't have "The Delicious."