Monday, July 6, 2009

WIHTWH: you can go to the market or the market can come to you

We're on the mop guy's route, but only once every two weeks or so. There is also a pot guy and a basket guy who know the kind of stuff we're likely to buy and pay us a visit every few weeks. At first it's kind of creepy feeling like your house has been staked out, and people know to knock on your gate. But you get over it and then notice how convenient it is to have this Malawi version of surprise Amazon deliveries come right to you.

Mops For Sale  
Download now or listen on posterous
mops for sale 1.mp3 (1036 KB)

Posted via email from mangosunrise's posterous

1 comment:

Geo said...

First guy's got a wonderful face. Amazon has no face.