Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WIHTWH: Weekly dinner dates

with dudes like these, by romantic candlelight. (Truth: Missionaries aren't allowed to eat at members' homes, but we're an exception because we probably won't give them cholera. So we're extra careful to bleach all our produce on nights when we pick them up for their weekly dinner, and I try to make a lot of something that's not made of beans, mince, noodles, jello, and/or Knorr chicken-type flavouring. The trash of the kitchen at church, where they live, is usually brimming with what I take as tips not to cook up on missionary night.)

They used to have a standing Thursday night appointment with us. But then there was American Idol, so we switched to Fridays, which is better all 'round, because we're on the rotation for a load-shedding "scheduled power outage" on Fridays, but the Elders still cheerfully clean up all the dishes by candlelight.


Anna said...

That's great, I'm sure they love eating something different!

Anna said...

do you really bleach food? how does that work?

Johanna Buchert Smith said...

Nannou: Really, the pleasure is ours. We love these guys. Andy likes to talk politics b/c they're not allowed to, so he can say what he wants. :)

And yes, we really do bleach our food. One capful of Jik (bleach) for five litres of water, then we soak any produce we won't peel in it for 15 minutes. You don't taset the bleach; if I do, I rinse again. Not different really than treating drinking water with bleach. The only produce I resent doing this for is strawberries, in season now...

You don't have to do this, obviously, but we just started doing it after a couple rounds of big D after eating produce from the big market.

Geo said...

What are bleached strawberries like? (Word verification just answered for you: herke)