Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is like summer camp

-Wood smoke hangs in the damp night air.
-Showers are a luxury even if you never feel completely clean.
-Clothes dried in the sun are either crusty dry or slightly mildewed.
-Bedtime is often by candlelight.
-Exhaustion hits in the midday heat.
-Every moment feels like the makings of a memory.
-And there's horseback riding.


Geo said...

Better than camp—you get to bunk with your boyfriend.

Becca said...

Tell us more about the horseback riding--what was the occasion? How was it? Did Scout ride?

Anna said...

i tried line drying monday, as soon as i got the sheets up on the line it started to rain. and they dried all crusty. i kind of like that in a way though... i kind of associate it with being Good. you know, using less energy, and helping mum and dad with the laundry.

moiety said...

That picture of Scout is veddy veddy, don't you know. :)